PeopleCert Scrum Master I – eLearning and PeopleCert Exam

Original price was: $ 1,260.00 USD.Current price is: $ 630.00 USD.

Included in your Purchase:

  • 12 months access to e-learning videos developed by 1WORLDTRANING’s PeopleCert Accredited Trainers
  • Official Online Web Proctored PeopleCert Exam Voucher Included, 1 attempt Included
  • E learning course of 1 world training has been approved by PeopleCert
  • Average Course Completion Time: 5 days
  • Mock Exam included
  • Online Simulation of Mock Exam
  • Letter of Course Completion


The Scrum certifications offer practical guidance on how to apply the Scrum framework enabling professionals and organizations to increase their Return On Investment by delivering better value to their customers faster, through high-quality products and services.
Scrum enables organizations to increase their speed to market and ROI, boost their customers’ satisfaction through the delivery of high-quality services and products, and reduce risks.

Scrum uses an evidence-based framework that maximizes the team’s ability to respond to emerging requirements, deliver value quickly, and adapt to new market conditions. The goal of this approach is to understand and respond to customer needs and opportunities faster and manage any other unpredictable challenges that may occur for which a sequential approach is not suitable.

Enables candidates to master the Scrum framework, develop the soft skills that are essential for a successful Scrum Master and their day-to-day application during a Sprint, and foster a deep understanding of what it means to think and act in an agile way, and learn the most common frameworks for scaling Scrum.

Exam Duration = 60 Minutes
Questions = 40
Pre-Requisite: you must qualify scrum master I for scrum master II

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